Fetal Ultrasound Throughout
A Sonographer's Guide to Normal Fetal Ultrasound Throughout The Stages Of Pregnancy
Detailed Anatomy Screening
2nd Trimester
Performed at 18-23 Weeks Gestation,
preferably as close to 20 weeks
Datiled Anatomical Screening
- Should be performed for all normal pregnancies to screen for defects and anomalies (Level 1 screening)
- A more in depth anatomical survey can be performed for patient's with prior pregnancy and/or family history of defects or aneuploidy (Level 2 screening typically performed at an MFM OB Clinic)
Fetal Biometry
During the Detailed Anatomical Screening
- The following provide an estimated fetal weight (EFW), and help to establish consistent and equal fetal growth of the head, abdomen, and limbs throughout the remaining pregnancy
- HC (Head Circumference)
- BPD (Biparietal Diameter)
- AC (Abdominal Circumference)
- HL (Humerus Length)
- FL (Femur Length)
Fetal Anatomy Evaluated
During the detailed anatomical screening
- Head - Lateral Ventricle, Choroid Plexus, Falx, Posterior Fossa to include the Cerebellum and Cisterna Magna, Cavum Septem Pellucidum
- Face - Nose/Lips
- Chest/Heart - Four Chamber Heart, LVOT, RVOT, 3 Vessel View, 3 Vessel Tracheal View
- Abdomen - Stomach, Kidneys, Bladder, Fetal Cord Insertion, Umbilical Cord Arteries
- Spine - Cervical, Thoracic, Sacral Spine, Soft Tissue over Spine
- Extremities - Legs, Arms, Hands, Feet
- Fetal Sex
- Placenta - Relationship to the Cervical Os, Placental Cord Insertion, Placental Apperance
- Fetal Presentation
- Fetal Heart Rate
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Fetal Ultrasound Throughout
A Sonographer's Guide to Normal Fetal Ultrasound Throughout The Stages Of Pregnancy